Exact and Practical Pattern Matching for Quantum Circuit Optimization¶
Iten, R., Moyard, R., Metger, T., Sutter, D., & Woerner, S.. (2022). Exact and Practical Pattern Matching for Quantum Circuit Optimization. ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 3(1), 1–41. https://doi.org/10.1145/3498325
Simple pattern matching are ordinary, but they:
we are interested in finding all matches of a pattern under pairwise commutation of gates, that is, considering all possible orderings of quantum gates that arise by repeatedly swapping commuting gates in the circuit.
“Our goal is to find all maximal matches of the pattern T in the circuit C, that is, all instances of a maximally sized subcircuit of T being equal to a sub-circuit in C, up to pairwise commutation of gates.In particular, we do not require that the whole pattern T can be matched to a sub-circuit in C, which is called a complete match.”
We give the first practical algorithm for this task that provably finds all matches of a pattern and whose worst-case complexity scales polynomially as a function of the circuit size (for a constant-sized pattern). Specifically, the time complexity of our algorithm as a function of the number of gates \(|T|\) and qubits \(n_T\) in the pattern and gates \(|C|\) and qubits nC in the circuit scales as
\[ \mathcal O\left(|C|^{|T|+3} |T|^{|T|+4} n_C^{n_T-1}\right) \]
Canonical Form for Quantum Circuits¶
The canonical form of a quantum circuit is a directed acyclic graph with the following two properties.
First, vertices in the graph correspond to individual gates in the circuit. We can index all of the gates in the circuit (in some fixed order) and label the graph vertices with these indices.
Second, the graph has an edge \(i → j\) from vertex i to vertex j if by repeatedly interchanging commuting gates in the circuit, one can bring gate \(i\) immediately to the left of gate \(j\). However, gates \(i\) and \(j\) themselves do not commute.
Pattern-Matching Algorithm for Quantum Circuits¶
Given a pattern \(T\) and a circuit \(C\), we want to find all maximal matches of \(T\) in \(C\), that is, all instances in which a maximally sized sub-circuit of \(T\) equals a sub-circuit of \(C\), taking into account qubit reordering and swapping of commuting gates.
For intuition, it is helpful to consider the circuit reordered in the way that allows for the largest possible match.
Then, we can think of the circuit as consisting of three regions:
- an unmatched region to the left
- a matched region in the middle
- an unmatched region to the right.
On a high level, the algorithm then needs to decide whether to keep a gate in the matched middle region or to use the commutation relations to push it out to the unmatched side regions.
(\(T\) is the pattern)
We can use the starting gate to partition the other gates in the pattern into two parts, \(T^{backward}\) and \(T^{forward}\). \(T \simeq (T^{backward},T^{forward})\)
\(T^{backward}\): contains all of the gates in the pattern that can be commuted to the left of the starting gate
\(T^{forward}\): contains the remaining gates (in the order in which they appear in the circuit, thus, the first gate in \(T^{forward}\) is the starting gate)
Translated to the graph picture, \(T^{\text{forward}}\) contains all successors of the starting gate, that is, all vertices that can be reached from the starting gate by a directed path.
Find a match of the forward-part \(T^{forward}\) of the pattern in the forward-part \(C^{forward}\) of the circuit
It matches gates greedily, that is, it greedily decides whether to include gates in the middle matched part of the circuit or push them to the right unmatched part.
It needs to decide:
which of the gates from \(T^{backward}\) to include in the match.
This is a more difficult task because adding gates from \(T^{backward}\) to the match may require “unmatching” some of the matches found by ForwardMatch
Hence, BackwardMatch needs to make a trade-off between
- how many gates to include from the backward direction
- how many matches in the forward direction to destroy for this purpose.
To do so, BackwardMatch
builds a tree of possible options and then finds the optimal one among them.
Forward Match:
- Starting(gray): decided before the algorithm begin
- Matched(green)
- Right-Blocked(black)[]
Backward Match:
Since \(T_2,T_4,T_6 \neq C_{10}\), we cannot match \(G^C_{10}\)
left-block all predecessors of a left-blocked vertex
Then, vertex \(G^C_5\) is considered for matching. We find that it matches the candidate vertex \(G^T_6\). Now, we have two options, shown in Figure 8:
- We could match \(G^C_5\) , that is, include the gate \(C_5\) in the middle matched part of the circuit.
- We could push the gate C5 all the way to the right unmatched part of the circuit, that is, right-block \(G^C_5\).
The second option has the disadvantage that we need to block \(G^C_5\) and all of its successors, even ones that have already been matched during ForwardMatch. However, it might enable us to match more of the predecessors of \(G^C_5\) .
At this stage, we cannot yet decide which option will result in more matches overall, and we keep track of both in a tree of options (called MatchingScenarios in Algorithm 5).
Considering one option at a time, if we matched the vertex \(G^C_5\) , one finds that no further gates can be matched (without right-blocking some of the predecessors of \(G^C_5\) , which would also block \(G^C_5\) . This we do not have to consider since it would lead to the same scenario as the non-matching case already added to the tree MatchingScenarios). Hence, we could match 10 gates in total in this scenario, which turns out to be a maximal match (over all qubit assignments and starting gates).
On the other hand, if we do not match vertex \(G^C_5\) , we proceed as follows: no match can be found for \(G^C_4\) . We could either left- or right-block it. Since all successors of \(G^C_5\) are already blocked but its predecessors are not, right-blocking is the better option. We then see that \(G^C_3\) can be matched with \(G^T_6\) ,and \(G^C_2\) with \(G^T_4\) . No match can be found for \(G^C_1\) . Since it has no predecessors but has matched successors, left-blocking it is the best option. This way, we can again match 10 gates in total. Hence, we found another maximal match.