
Graph Neural Network

Figures are from: Jia, Z., Lin, S., Gao, M., Zaharia, M., & Aiken, A. (2020). Improving the Accuracy, Scalability, and Performance of Graph Neural Networks with Roc. Proceedings of Machine Learning and Systems, 2, 187–198.


Each GNN layer:

  1. gathers the activations of the neighbor vertices from the previous GNN layer
  2. then updates the activations of the vertex, using DNN operations such as convolution or matrix multiplication.

Formally, the computation in a GNN layer is:

\[ a_v^{(k)} = \text{AGGREGATE}^{(k)} (\{h_u^{(k-1)} \mid u \in \mathcal N(v)\}) \]


This corresponds to the left part of the figure.

\[ h_v^{(k)} = \text{UPDATE}^{(k)} (a_v^{(k)}, h_v^{(k-1)}) \]


This step is usually some DNN operations

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