Network layer: Control plane¶
How to initiate/manage forwarding table?
Traditional / per-router: individual routing algorithm components in each and every router interact
SDN(Software Defined Networking) / logically centralized control: Remote controller computes, installs forwarding tables in routers
- control agent
Routing algorithm/protocol¶
Third way: load-sensitive / load-insensittive
Dijkstra / link state¶
(for node u)
Algorithm complexity: \(O(n^2)\) or \(O(n \log n)\)
Message complexity: \(O(n^2)\) if a broadcast is only \(O(n)\)
Bellman-Ford / Distance Vector¶
Bellman-Ford Equation: \(d_x(y) = \min_v\{c(x,v) + d_v(y)\}\)
can have problem: after link cost change, bad message spread slow(maybe lots of iteration)
Solution: adding Poisoned Reverse
- Tell small little white lie to avoid attempting looping in the network
converge slowly
errors can diffuse in whole network
Intra-ISP routing: OSPF¶
administrative autonomy
==> Autonomous systems (ASs)
Open: indicates that the routing protocol specification is publicly available
link-state protocol
- security
- multiple same-cost paths
- integrated support for unicast and multicast routing
- support for hierarchy within a single AS.
Routing among ISPs: BGP¶
glues thousands of ISPs in the Internet together
Hot-potato routing¶
choose local gateway that has least intra-domain cost
Route Selection¶
Router may learn about more than one route to destination AS, selects route based on:
- local preference value attribute: policy decision
- shortest AS-PATH
- closest NEXT-HOP router: hot potato routing
- additional criteria
SDN control plane¶
- Flow-based forwarding
- Separation of data plane and control plane
- Network control functions: external to data-plane switches
- Programmable
Logically centralized control plane
- easy management
- avoid router misconfiguations
- greater flexibility of traffic flows
- centralize programming is easier
- open implementation of control plane
Solve problems:
- prefer route
- load balancing
Data-plane switches¶
API for table-based switch control (e.g. Openflow)
physical machine
SDN controller(network OS)¶
maintain network state information
interacts with
network control applications "above" via northbound API
network switches "below" via southbound API
implemented as distributed system for
- performance
- scalability
- fault-tolerance
- robustness
Network-control apps¶
"brains" of control: implement control functions using lower level services
harden the control plane
internet scaling can be hard
5G cellular networks
operates between controller and switch, over TCP, default port 6653
three types of messages
- configuration
- read-state: query [feature]
- modify-state: in flow table
- send-packet
switch-to-controller (asynchronous)
- packet-in
- flow-removed: flow table entry deleted
- port-status: change in port status
ICMP(Internet Control Message Protocol)¶
Communicate network-level information
network-layer "above" IP
used by trace route
Network management¶
Network management includes:
- hardware
- software
- human elements
- monitor
- test
- poll
- configure
- analyze
- evaluate
- control
the network and element resources to meet:
- real-time
- operational performance
- Quality of Service requirements
at a reasonable cost.
SNMP/MIB: operator queries/sets devices data(MIB) using SNMP
more abstract, network-wide, holistic
emphasis on multi-device configuration management
- YANG: Data modeling language
- NETCONF: communicate Yang-compatible actions/data to/from/among remote devices
Application Layer protocol
convey network-management control and information messages
- request-response mode: get data/return data
- trap mode: inform manager of exceptional event
Message format:
MIB: managed device's operational (and config) data
- Language: SMI(Structure of Management Information)
actively manage/configure devices network-wide, operates between managing server and managed network devices
- Actions: retrieve, set, modify, activate configurations
- Atomic-commit actions over multiple devices
- query operational data and statisitics
- subscribe to notifications from devices
RPC paradigm
- messages are encoded in XML
- tunnels are secure, reliable transport (e.g. TLS) protocol
data modeling language used to specify structure syntax, semantics of NETCONF network management data