Query Optimization¶
(From JianMin Wang's slides)
We have so many alternative ways of evaluating a given query:
- Equivalent expressions
- Different algorithms for each operation
Evaluation Plan¶
Defines exactly what algorithm is used for each operation, and how the execution of the operations is coordinated.
Query Optimization based on cost estimation¶
choose the cheapest plan based on the estimated cost.
The estimation is based on:
- Statistical information about relations(size, unique values)
- Statistics estimation for intermediate results
- The cost to compute these statistics.
Transformation of Relational Expression¶
Transform through equivalence relational algebra expressions.
Equivalent rules¶
\(\sigma_{\theta_1 \wedge \theta_2} = \sigma_{\theta_1} \circ \sigma_{\theta_2} = \sigma_{\theta_2} \circ \sigma_{\theta_1}\)
\(\prod_{L_1}(\prod_{L_2}( \cdots(\prod_{L_n}(E)))) = \prod_{L_1}(E)\)
\(\sigma_{\theta}(E_1 \times E_2) = E_1 \Join_\theta E_2\)
\(\sigma_{\theta_1}(E_1 \Join_{\theta_2}E_2) = E_1 \Join_{\theta_1 \wedge \theta_2} E_2\)
\(E_1 \Join_{\theta} E_2 = E_2 \Join_{\theta} E_1\)
\((E_1 \Join E_2) \Join E_3 = E_1 \Join (E_2 \Join E_3)\)
\((E_1 \Join_{\theta_1} E_2) \Join_{\theta_2 \wedge \theta_3} E_3 = E_1 \Join_{\theta_1 \wedge \theta_3} (E_2 \Join_{\theta_2} E_3)\)
\(\sigma_{\theta_0}(E_1 \Join_{\theta} E_2) = (\sigma_{\theta_0}(E_1)) \Join_{\theta} E_2\)
\(\sigma_{\theta_1 \wedge \theta_2}(E_1 \Join_{\theta} E_2) = (\sigma_{\theta_1}(E_1)) \Join_{\theta}(\sigma_{\theta_2}(E_2))\)
\(\prod_{L_1 \cup L_2}(E_1 \Join_{\theta} E_2) = (\prod_{L_1}(E_1)) \Join_{\theta}(\prod_{L_2}(E_2))\)
\(\prod_{L_1 \cup L_2}(E_1 \Join_{\theta} E_2) = \prod_{L_1 \cup L_2} ((\prod_{L_1 \cup L_3}(E_1)) \Join_\theta (\prod_{L_2 \cup L_4}(E_2)))\) (pushdown production)
set operations
\(\sigma_{\theta}({}_G \gamma_A(E)) = {}_G\gamma_A(\sigma_\theta(E))\)
full outer join is commutative
Usually used ones:
pushdown something, reduce size earlier
Estimation of Costs¶
Selection cost estimation¶
Assume that data are uniform distribution in \([\min(A,r), \max(A,r)]\)
Selectivity \(s_r\) under these operation can be calculated by simple production rule.
- 合取(\(\wedge\))
- 析取(\(\vee\))
Join operation cost estimation¶
\(V(A,r)\) is count of distinct values in attribute A of r
- \(R \cap S = \emptyset\) : 直接乘起来就行
- \(R \cap S\) is a super key of \(R\)(\(S\)) : then the maximum number of join is just the size of \(S\)(\(R\))
- \(R \cap S\) is not any key for \(R\) or \(S\), we use ,the estimation of \(\frac{n_r \times n_s}{\max{(V(A,s), V(A,r))}}\)
Other Operation¶
- Production & Aggregate: V
- Outer Join: \(s(n_r \Join n_s) + n_r + n_s\)
Attributes scale estimation¶
Plan choose¶
Dynamic Programming Algorithm¶
Use Dynamic Programming to minimum join operation's cost (like matrix chain multiply)
Heuristic optimization¶
- Perform selection early (reduces the number of tuples)
- Perform projection early (reduces the number of attributes)
- Perform most restrictive selection and join operations (i.e. with smallest result size) before other similar operations.