Classical Ciphers¶
Simple Substitution Cipher¶
Definition: Simple Substitution Cipher
\(M,C\) == all English messages
\(K\) = all permutation of English characters
\(E_k\) apply that permutation \(k\) , \(D_k\) apply the inversed permutation \(k^{-1}\)
Totally insecure.
Attack with "Frequency analysis".
Polyalphabetic Ciphers & Vigenere Cipher¶
Basic Idea: use several different alphabet permutations.
Definition: Polyalphabetic Cipher
\(K\) = sequence of letters of length \(l\) with no repeated letter.
\(E_k(m)\) : shift \(i\)-th letter of \(m\) by \((i \bmod l)\)-th letter of \(k\)
\(D_k(m)\): reverse shift \(i\)-th letter of \(m\) by \((i \bmod l)\)-th letter of \(k\)
Totally insecure.
Attack with ciphertext only attack:
- guess length of the key, \(l\)
- Check whether \(l\) is right:
- Divide characters into \(l\) group \(G_0, \cdots, G_{l-1}\), \(i\)-th ciphertext → \(G_{i \bmod l}\)
- Examine the frequency of letters of \(G_0, ..., G_{l-1}\) , if they all look like "basic English", then guess is right.
- Known \(l\), then:
- every group \(G_i\) was performed a cyclic shift.
- Use frequency to guess the "shift" gap
One-time pad¶
Key is a random string. (same length of the plaintext)
Encryption process: Add and mod by 26. [binary message, mod 2 (xor) ]
- The key should never be reused!
- Perfect secrecy: totally secure against ciphertext-only(chosen-plaintext) attack, even with infinite computation resources.
- However, \(|K| \geq 2^m\) to be secure (\(m\) is the length of plaintext)
Not practical.
Transposition Cipher¶
Definition: Transposition Cipher
length \(l\), [columnar transposition cipher].
\(K\) = all permutation of \(\{1, \cdots, l\}\)
\(E_k\): in a length-\(l\) group, rearrange position by permutation \(k\)
\(D_k\) : ... rearrange position by inversed permutation \(k^{-1}\)
- guess the key-length
- use "anagramming"(continuous letters frequency, usually two) to gradually improve the diagram, until English words appear.