Digital Signature¶
The goals of cryptography:
- Confidentiality
- Data integrity
- Data origin authentication
- Non-repudiation
Signature Schemes¶
Definition: Digital signature scheme
- \(M\) - the plaintext space, \(S\) - the signature space
- \(K_{\text{pubkey}}\) - public keys space, \(K_{\text{privkey}}\) - private keys space
- Key-generation function: \(\mathcal G: {1^l:l \in \mathbb N} \to K_{\text{pubkey}} \times K_{\text{privkey}}\)
- Signing: \(\mathcal S: K_{\text{privkey}} \times M \to S\)
- Verification: \(\mathcal V: K_{\text{pubkey}} \times M \times S \to \{\text{true, false}\}\)
- private key can make sure "non-repudiation"
- public key can be used to do "origin authenticity"
Correctness requirement¶
For given key pair \((k_{\text{pubkey}}, k_{\text{privkey}})\) produced by \(\mathcal G\),
for all \(m \in M\)
Base goals:
- infeasible to deduce the private key from the public key
- infeasible to generate teh valid signatures without the private key
Goals of adversary¶
- Total break: recover the private key, or a method for systematically forging arbitary signatures
- Selective forgery: Given a message or a subset of messages, forge a signature for those messages
- Existential forgery: Forge a signature for some message(possibly out of our control)
Attack model(interactions)¶
- Key-only attack: only know the public key.
- Known-message attack: Some messages and their valid signatures are known.
- Chosen-message attack: The adversary may choose some message and obtain their signatures.
General Security¶
- existentially unforgeable
- computationally bounded adversary
- chosen-message attack
named EUF-CMA!
The message \(m\) that we forged cannot be ones that processed by oracle.
RSA Signature¶
\(pk = (n, e), sk = (n,d)\)
Signature generate: To sign a message \(m\)
- Compute (with private key) \(s = m^d \bmod n\)
- Signature on \(m\) is \(s\).
Verification: To verify a signature \(s\) on a message \(m\)
- obtain an authentic copy of the public key \((n,e)\)
- Accept \((m,s)\) if and only if \({\color{red}s^e \bmod n} = m\)
A necessary condition for RSA signatures to be secure is that RSA problem must be intractable.
Suppose the RSA problem is easy, then we can forge signatures as follows:
- Let \(m\) be any message (but we will take it as ciphertext in the following part)
- Find \(s\) such that \(s^e \equiv m \pmod n\) (Decrypt)
- Then \(s\) is a valid signature for \(m\)
Existential forgery under a key-only attack:
- Select \(s \in \mathbb Z_n\) with \(\gcd(s,n) = 1\)
- Set \(m = s^e \bmod n\)
- Then \(s\) is a valid signature for \(m\)
Use the result of verification process
Selective forgery under a chosen message attack:
Given \(m \in \mathbb Z_n\) with \(\gcd(m,n) = 1\),
- Compute \(m' = 2^e \cdot m \bmod n\)
- Request the signature \(s'\) of \(m'\) from oracle
- Compute \(s = s'/2 \bmod n\)
- Then \(s\) is a valid signature for \(m\)
Use the "malleability" property of the basic RSA function!
Improvement: Full Domain hash RSA (RSA-FDH)¶
Basic idea: use hash function to hide information of \(m\)
Hash function: \(H: \{0,1\} \to \mathbb Z_n\)
Key generation: same
Signing: \(s = H(m)^d \bmod n\)
- Obtain an authentic copy of public key \((n,e)\)
- compute \(s^e \bmod n\)
- Accept \((m,s)\) iff \(s^e \bmod n = H(m)\)
Theorem: On RSA-FDH security
RSA problem intractable and \(H\) is a random function \(\implies\) RSA-FDH is a secure signature function
Necessary properties of RSA-FDH:
- Preimage resistance: can existency forge message by get preimage
- 2nd preimage resistance: can existency forge message by a known signature and the 2nd preimage
- Collision resistance: can use the collision, send one message into oracle, and the other one is forgable.
Diffie-Hellman based signature¶
Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)¶
Based on Diffie-Hellman and Elgamal.
- A prime \(p\)
- A prime \(q\) dividing \(p-1\)
- An element \(g \in \mathbb Z_p^*\) of order \(q\)
- A hash function \(H: \{0,1\}^* \to \mathbb Z_q\)
Key generation:
- Choose \(\alpha \in_R \mathbb Z_q^*\) at random.
- Return \((k_{\text{pubkey}}, k_{\text{privkey}}) = (g^\alpha \bmod p, \alpha)\)
Signing: To sign a message \(m \in \{0,1\}^*\)
- Choose \(k \in_R \mathbb Z_q^*\) at random
- Calculate \(r = (g^k \bmod p) \bmod q\), and \(s = \frac{H(m) + \alpha r}{k} \bmod q\)
- Understanding: \(k\) is the "other" part of private key, and \(r\) is corresponding public key
- Repeat if \(k,r\) or \(s\) are zero. Otherwise, return signature \(\sigma = (r,s)\)
Verification: Given \(k_{\text{pubkey}} = g^\alpha\), \(m\) and \(\sigma = (r,s)\)
- check \(0 < r < q\) and \(0 < s < q\) and \((g^{\frac{H(m)}{s}}(g^{\alpha})^{ \frac{r}{s}} \bmod p) \bmod q = r\)
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)¶
- A prime \(p\)
- A prime \(q\)
- An elliptic curve \(E\) over \(\mathbb Z_p\) of cardinality \(|E| = q\)
- An generator \(P \in E/\mathbb Z_p^*\) of order \(q\)
- A hash function \(H: \{0,1\}^* \to \mathbb Z_q\)
Key generation:
- Choose \(\alpha \in_R \mathbb Z_q^*\) at random.
- Return \((k_{\text{pubkey}}, k_{\text{privkey}}) = ({\color{red}{\alpha P}}, \alpha)\)
Signing: To sign a message \(m \in \{0,1\}^*\)
- Choose \(k \in_R \mathbb Z_q^*\) at random
- Calculate \(r = {\color{red}{x_{kP}}}\), and \(s = \frac{H(m) + \alpha r}{k} \bmod q\)
- Repeat if \(k,r\) or \(s\) are zero. Otherwise, return signature \(\sigma = (r,s)\)
Verification: Given \(k_{\text{pubkey}} = {\color{red}\alpha P}\), \(m\) and \(\sigma = (r,s)\)
- check \(0 < r < q\) and \(0 < s < q\) and \(\frac{H(m)}{s}{\color{red}P} + \frac{r}{s} {\color{red}\alpha P}\) is congruent to \(r\) modulo \(q\)