Asymmetric Encryption Schemes: Example¶
All algorithms here have different mathematical foundations:
- RSA: integer factoring problem
- Diffie-Hellman & Elgamal: discrete logarithm on group \(\mathbb Z_p^*\)
- Elliptic Curve: group of points in \(E/\mathbb Z_p\) (Discrete elliptic curve)
RSA encryption¶
Ronald Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adleman, 1977
RSA key generation¶
public key: \(k_{pub} = (n,e)\), private key: \(k_{pr} = (n,d)\)
- choose random prime \(p\) and \(q\) with \(\log_2 p \approx \log_2 q \approx l/2\)
- compute \(n = pq\) and \(\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1)\)
- \(\phi\) is euler function
- select integer \(e\) with \(1 < e < \phi(n)\) and \(\gcd(e, \phi_n) = 1\)
- make sure the inverse in next step exist
- compute \(d = e^{-1} \bmod \phi(n)\)
- like the inverse in "pow" space
RSA encryption/decryption¶
Encrypt: \(\mathcal E((n,e), m) = m^e \bmod n\)
Decrypt: \(\mathcal D((n,d), c) = c^d \bmod n\)
Let public key \((n,e)\), private key \((n,d)\), then:
for all \(m \in \mathbb Z_n\) such that \(\gcd(m,n) = 1\)
- By definition of \(\mathcal D\) and \(\mathcal E\): \(\mathcal D((n,d), \mathcal E((n,e),m)) = m^{ed} \bmod n\)
- By definition of \(e\) and \(d\), we have \(ed \equiv 1 \pmod{\phi(n)}\) In other words, \(ed = 1 + k \cdot \phi(n)\) for some \(k \in \mathbb Z\).
- \(m \not\equiv 0 \pmod p\), then \(m^{\phi(n)} = m^{(p-1)(q-1)} = (m^{p-1})^{q-1} \equiv 1^{q-1} \equiv 1 \pmod p\)
- Similarly, \(m^{\phi(n)} \equiv 1 \pmod q\), and hence \(m^{\phi(n)} \equiv 1 \pmod n\)
- Therefore \(m^{ed} = m^{1 + k \cdot \phi(n)} \equiv m^1 \cdot 1^k = m \pmod n\)
Algorithm's effeciency is measured by
input size: numbers of bits \(l\) required to write down the input using a reasonable encoding ( \(n\) → \(\lfloor \log_2 n \rfloor + 1\) bits)
running time: upper bound of worst case number of basic steps the algorithm takes over all inputs of a fixed size
efficient: polynominal time \(O(l^c)\)
Basic integer operation for two \(l\)-bit integer \(a\), \(b\):
- Addition/subtraction: \(O(l)\)
- Multiplication/division: \(O(l^2)\)
- GCD: \(O(l^2)\) (Extended Euclidean Algorithm)
Basic modular operations for two \(l\)-bit integer \(a\), \(b\):
- Inverse: \(O(l^2)\) (Extended Euclidean Algorithm)
- Exponentiation: \(O(l^3)\) (Square and Multiply)
Fast Implementation¶
- Fast Encryption with Short Public Exponents
- Fast Decryption with the Chinese Remainder Theorem
Textbook RSA's security level
- Not totally insecure, assuming integer factorization is hard.
- One-way secure, assuming the RSA problem is hard.
- Not semantically secure.
Open problem: Is integer factoroization equivalent to the RSA problem?
Totally insecure¶
Integer Factorization v.s. RSA
integer factorization is easy \(\iff\) RSA encryption is totally insecure.
\(\Longrightarrow\) side:
Given \((n,e)\).
- Factor \(n = p \times q\)
- Euler function is known: \(d = e^{-1} \bmod (p-1)(q-1)\)
- Secret key: \((n,d)\)
\(\Longleftarrow\) Side:
For any RSA public key \((n,e)\) we can calculate \((n,d)\)
- Repeat 20(lots of) times:
- choose \((n,e_i)\) where \(e_i\) is large prime less than \(n\)
- compute \((n,d_i)\)
- let \(x_i = e_id_i - 1\) (as \(e_id_i = 1 + k \cdot \phi (n)\))
- Let \(x = gcd(x_1, x_2, \dots, x_{20})\). Note that \(x\) is very likely equal to \(\phi(n) = (p-1)(q-1)\)
- Solve this equation: \(\{p,q\} = \frac{1+n-x\pm\sqrt{(1+n-x)^2 - 4n}}{2}\)
Definition: RSA problem
get message from ciphertext
Given an RSA public key \((n,e)\), and an element \(c \in \mathbb Z_n\) such that \(\gcd(c,n) = 1\) (ciphertext),
find an element(plaintext) \(m \in \mathbb Z_n\) such that
One-way secure¶
On one-way security
RSA problem is computationally infeasible \(\implies\) RSA encryption scheme one-way secure under a chosen plaintext attack (OW-CPA).
Semantically secure¶
On semantically secure
RSA is not semantically secure under a ciphertext-only attack
No deterministic encryption algorithm can yield semantic security!
- \(c = 1 \implies m = 1\)
- \(c \neq 1 \implies m \neq 1\)
Some partial information!
Achieving semantic security for RSA encryption
Add random padding to RSA.
Standardized in PKCS#1
Replace ciphertext \(y\) to \(s^e y\) can replace the plaintext from \(x\) to \(sx\)
The attacker is capable of transforming the ciphertext into another ciphertext which leads to a known transformation.
Factor problem¶
Measures of Running time
- Polynomial-time
- Exponential-time
- Fully exponential-time: \(2^{cl}\), where \(c\) is a constant
- Subexponential-time algorithm: worst run time \(2^{o(l)}\), and not of the form \(O(l^c)\) for any constant \(c\)
Trial Division
\(O(\sqrt n)\), not polynomial time, \(O(2^{l/2})\)
Formulas to form subexponential time:
where \(c\) is positive and \(\alpha \in (0, 1)\)
- When \(\alpha = 0\): \(L_n[0,c] = O(l^{c+o(1)})\) → polytime
- When \(\alpha = 1\): \(L_n[1,c] = O((2^l)^{c+o(1)})\) → fully exponential time
Special-Purpose factoring algorithms: Trial division, Pollard's p-1 algorithm, Pollard's \(\rho\) algorithm
General-Purpose factoring algorithms
- Quadratic sieve factoring algorithm(QS): \(L_n[\frac{1}{2}, 1]\)
- Number field sieve factoring algorithm(NFS): \(L_n[\frac{1}{3}, 1.923]\)
Quantum factoring algorithm: Shor algorithm
- use \(O((\log n)^2)\) quantum gates to factor \(n\)
Use 2048-bit RSA!
Other concerns¶
- Find large prime: random & test
- \(P(\tilde p \text{ is prime}) \approx \frac{1}{\ln(\tilde p)}\)
- Other attack methods:
- Side-channel attack
- Bad random number generators
- Implementation bugs
Diffie-Helleman key exchange¶
W. Diffie & M. Hellman, 1976
Definition: Key-exchange Protocol
a protocol specifically designed to establish shared secret keys from scratch
order, generator of a group
- \(p\) is a prime
- \(\mathbb Z_p^* = \{1, \cdots, p-1\}\)
- \(g \in \mathbb Z_p^*\) is an element of \(\mathbb Z_p^*\) of large prime order \(q\)
- \(g\) is not the generator, but does generate a subgroup of \(\mathbb Z_p^*\)
Publicly pick a prime \(p\) and an element \(g \in \mathbb Z_p^*\) of large prime order \(q\)
- Alice picks \(a \in \mathbb Z_q\) randomly, sends \(g^a \bmod p\) to Bob.
- Bob picks \(b \in \mathbb Z_q\) randomly, sends \(g^b \bmod p\) to Alice.
- They agree on the secret key \(k_{AB} = g^{ab}\)
- Alice can compute \(k_{AB}\) by \((g^b)^a \bmod p\)
- Bob can compute \(k_{AB}\) by \((g^a)^b \bmod p\)
Diffle-Hellmean assumption(DH)
Let \(a, b \in_R Z_q\). Given \(g, g^a, g^b\), it is computationally infeasible to determine \(g^{ab}\).
In short: \(g, g^a, g^b \not\to g^{ab}\)
Discrete logarithm assumption(DLOG)
Let \(a \in_R \mathbb Z_q\). Given \(g\) and \(g^a\), it is computationally infeasible to determine \(a\).
In short, \(g,g^a \not\to a\)
Equivalence (U. Maurer & S. Wolf, 1999)
For alomost all values of \(p\), the DH assumption and the DLOG assumption are equivalent.
In short: \(DH \iff DLOG\)
Discrete Logarithm¶
Suppose we want to find \(x\) such that \(g^x = 2\).
For \(i = 1, \dots, t+1\), choose integers \(x_i\) at random until \(g^{x_i}\) completely using only the first \(t\) primes.
\[ \begin{aligned} g^{x_1} \bmod p &= 2^{e_{1,1}}3^{e_{1,2}} \cdots p_t^{e_{1,t}}\\ g^{x_2} \bmod p &= 2^{e_{2,1}}3^{e_{2,2}} \cdots p_t^{e_{2,t}}\\ &\vdots\\ g^{x_{t+1}} \bmod p &= 2^{e_{t+1,1}}3^{e_{t+1,2}} \cdots p_t^{e_{t+1,t}}\\ \end{aligned} \] -
take \(\log_g\) operation on both sides: → into \(\pmod{p-1}\)
\[ \begin{aligned} x_1 \equiv e_{1,1} \log_g 2 + e_{1,2} \log_g 3 + \cdots + e_{1,t} \log_g p_t \pmod{p-1}\\ x_2 \equiv e_{2,1} \log_g 2 + e_{2,2} \log_g 3 + \cdots + e_{2,t} \log_g p_t \pmod{p-1}\\ \end{aligned} \] -
Only \(\log_g p_i\) are unknown. \(t+1\) equations and \(t\) unknown variables. Solve!
Why \(t+1\) equations?
I don't know. Check it later.
We can compose to get logarithms of non-prime numbers' logarithm
Running time: \(L_p(\frac{1}{3}, \sqrt{\frac{64}{9}})\)
DH versus RSA¶
Elgamal encryption¶
Taher Elgamal, 1985.
- Setup:
- Choose a single, globally public prime \(p\)
- Choose a single, globally public element \(g \in \mathbb Z_p^*\) of large prime order \(q\)
- Key generation
- Choose \(x \in_R \mathbb Z_q\)
- Set \(k_{\text{pubkey}} = g^x \bmod p\), \(k_{\text{privkey}} = x\)
- Encryption: Given \(m \in \mathbb Z_p^*\)
- Choose \(r \in_R \mathbb Z_q\)
- \(\mathcal E(m) = (g^r, m \cdot (g^x)^r) \bmod p\)
- Use \(g^r\) to hide the random value \(r\), but not to one who own \(x\)
- Decryption: Given ciphertext \((c_1,c_2) \in (\mathbb Z_p^*)^2\)
- compute \(D(c_1, c_2) = c_2 \cdot (c_1^{-1})^x \pmod p\)
Half part of the Diffle Hellman key exchange!
Elgamal is a randomized encryption operation.
Definition: Decisional Diffie-Hellman assumption(DDH)
Let \(x,y,z \in_R \mathbb Z_q\). Given \(g, g^x, g^y\) and either \(g^{xy}\) or \(g_z\), it is computationally infeasible to determin wheather you were given the real \(g^{xy}\) or the random \(g_z\).
This doesn't always hold!
- knwon to be false when \(g\) is a generator of \(Z_p^*\)
- fails in some elliptic curve groups
Theorem: (Tsiounis and Yung, 1998)
Elgamal is semantically secure under Decisional Diffle-Hellman assumption
Elliptic Curve Cryptography¶
Idea: Use the points on an elliptic curve (of the form \(y^2 = x^3 + ax + b\)) to create a group, then do Diffie-Hellman.
Shor algorithm can break ECC on quantum computers!
No specialized algorithm are known for discrete logarithm on elliptic curve.
Can achieve a given security level using much smaller parameters
Group of points on a elliptic curve (form like \(y^2 = x^3 + ax + b\)) over field
- real number \(\implies\) \(E/\mathbb R:Y^2 = X^3 - 2X + 1\)
- \(\mathbb Z_p\) \(\implies\) \(E/\mathbb Z_{p}:Y^2 = X^3 - 2X + 1\), \(\#E(\mathbb{Z}_{89}) = 96\)
- The one used in computer
Identity element in the group: \(\mathcal O\) point
Operations of points¶
Adding points | Doubling points |
Draw a line through \(P\) & \(Q\), cross \(E\) at \(-(P+Q)\), then reflect around \(x\)-axis to get \(P+Q\) | Draw the tangent line through \(P\), cross \(E\) at \(-(P+P)\), then reflect around \(x\)-axis to get \(P+P\) |
Formulae of adding point \(P\) and \(Q\):
If \(P = \mathcal O\), \(P+Q = Q\); else if \(Q = \mathcal O\), \(P+Q = P\).
Else, suppose \(P = (x_P, y_P)\) and \(Q=(x_Q, y_Q)\), then:
- if \(x_p = x_Q\) and \(y_P = -y_Q\), set \(P+Q = \mathcal O\)
\[ \begin{aligned} m &= \left\{\begin{aligned} \frac{y_Q-y_P}{x_Q-x_P} & \text{ if }P \neq Q\\ \frac{3x_P^2+a}{2y_P} & \text{ if }P = Q \end{aligned}\right.\\ x_{P+Q} &= m^2 -x_P - x_Q\\ y_{P+Q} &= -m((x_{P+Q} - x_P) + y_P) \end{aligned} \]and set \(P+Q\) be the point \((x_{P+Q},y_{P+Q})\)
In order to create avoid confusion, we write \(xP\) instead of \(P^x = P + \dots + P\)
scalar multiplication/scalar exponentiation
Diffie-Hellman with elliptic curve¶
Agree on a curve \(E\) and element \(P\) of large prime order \(q\)
- Alice pick \(x \in_R Z_q\) at random, send \(xP \in E\) to Bob
- Bob pick \(y \in_R Z_q\) at random, send \(yP \in E\) to Alice
Both Alice and Bob can get \(xyP = x(yP) = y(xP) \in E\)
NSA, 1998
128 bits of security level
\(p = 2^{256} -2^{244} + 2^{192} + 2^{96} - 1\) is prime!
\(E: Y^2 = X^3 - 3X + b\), where b = 41058363725152142129326129780047268409114441015993725554835256314039467401291
\(n = \#E(Z_p)\) is prime, where n = 115792089210356248762697446949407573529996955224135760342422259061068512044369
Curve 25519¶
128 bits of security level
\(p = 2^{255} - 19\)
\(E: Y^2 = X^3 + 486662X^2 + X\) over \(\mathbb Z_p\)
\(\#E(\mathbb Z_p) = 8n\), where \(n\) is the prime: \(2^{252} + 27742317777372353535851937790883648493\)