Password hashing¶
User Authentication¶
Authenticators can be categorised as:
- Knowledge-based: something you know
- Object-based: something you have
- ID-based: something you are
- Location-based: somewhere you are
Multi-factor authentication: combinations from multiple different authenticators
Human-memorizable strings that are used for authentication
Common attack:
- steal password from a user
- guess password
- steal password from a database
- then offline computation
Security recommandations:
- strong password
- strong password securely
- don't share
- don't use same password
Can generated by computer!
Measure the uncertainty in values generated from a random guess
Process \(X\), generate \(n\) values \(x_1, \dots, x_n\) with probabilties \(p_1, \dots , p_n\)
\[ H(X) = - \sum_{i=1}^n p_i \log_2{p_i} \]
need \(2^{H(x) - 1}\) operations in average to guess rightly
Password Attack¶
Brute Force¶
Hash Table¶
A table containing hashes of many/all possible passwords
Rainbow Table¶
Time-space trade of hash table.
Password Scheme¶
- Pick a random \(\geq 80\)-bit salt
- Store username, salt, and \(H(\text{password}, \text{salt})\) in database where \(H\) is a password hardening function
- Suder supplies username and purported \(\text{password}'\)
- Look up username, salt, and hash in database
- Check if \(H(\text{password}', \text{salt}) = \text{stored hash}\)
- protect against rainbow table
- different table for different salt
- make brute force attacks harder
- cannot reuse brute force work
Password hardening function¶
A LOT OF(10000) times of hash.
Don't slow down login, but can slow down brute-force attacks
- PBKDF2(2000)
- Widely used; fairly secure
- bcrypt
- scrypt
- Argon2(2015)
- best available approach