Zero knowledge¶
Peggey wants to prove that she knows "something" to Victor, but without disclosing any information of "something" to him.
Graph Isomorphism¶
Definition: Graph isomorphism
Let \(G_1\) and \(G_2\) be graphs. An isomorphism \(\phi: G_1 \to G_2\) is a relabeliling (permutation) of the vertices of \(G_1\) that yields the graph \(G_2\).
Peggy wants to prove to Victor that she knows an isomorphism \(\phi\) between two public graphs \(G_0\) & \(G_1\), with out disclosing any information about the isomorphism \(\phi\) to Victor.
Commitment-Challenge-Response scheme¶
- Peggy generates a commitment and send it to Victor
- generates Random secret permutation \(\psi\) and computes \(H = \psi(G_1)\)
- \({\color{blue}H}\) is the commitment
- Victor generates a challenge and sends it to Peggy
- pick a random bit \(b \in_R \{0,1\}\);
- \({\color{red}b}\) is the challenge
- Peggy generates a response and sends it to Victor
- Peggy's response will be the isomorphism between \(G_{\color{red}b}\) and \({\color{blue}H}\):
- if \(b=0\): Response is \({\color{red}\chi} = \psi \circ \phi\)
- if \(b=1\): Response if \({\color{red}\chi} = \psi\)
- Note: No one can fully control, both red and blue in the challenge!
- Peggy's response will be the isomorphism between \(G_{\color{red}b}\) and \({\color{blue}H}\):
- Victor will do the verification
- Victor checks that \({\color{red}\chi}(G_{\color{red}b}) = {\color{blue}H}\)
- If Peggy knowns the thing being proved, and Peggy and Victor follow the protocol, then Victor accepts with probability 1
- If Peggy does not knoww the thing being proved, then, no matter what Peggy does, Victor rejcts with at least constant probaility
- repeat many times can make the probability much higher!
- She will only have 50% of probaility to get the answer right
Zero knowledge¶
Victor "learns nothing" about Peggy's value, other than the fact that Peggy knows some valid value.
Definition: learn nothing?
Victor learns nothings if he could have generated all of the value he receives on his own.
Actually same "distribution"!
Can be generated in different order!
What may happen in simulator:
- pick challenge: random \(b \in_R \{0,1\}\)
- generate response: random permutation \(\chi\)
- retroactively compute commitment: \(H = \chi(G_b)\)
This transcript \((H,b,\chi)\) has the same distribution as real transcript.
So he actually is not learning any "information"/"knowledge" new!
But Peggy cannot forge the transcript too.
Peggy has to make sure commitment \(H\) will work for any challenge.
Because the order of operations in the protocol is defined, and it does matter!
Schnorr's Identification scheme¶
Peggy wants to prove to Victor that she knows the secret key behind a public key.
Let \(G\) be a group of prime order \(q\) with generator \(g\)
- secret key is \(x \in_R \mathbb Z_q\)
- public key is \(y = g^x\)
- Random \(k \in_R \mathbb Z_q; {\color{blue}r} \gets g^k\)
- \({\color{blue}r}\) is commitment
like another part of the "public key?"
use the public key to hide the information
- \({\color{red}e} \in_R \mathbb Z_q\);
- \({\color{blue}s} \gets k + x{\color{red}e} \bmod q\)
- Check \(g^{\color{blue}s}y^{-{\color{red}e}} = r\)
Peggy don't know x, then guessing \(x\) is at most \(1/q\) probaility
Zero Knowledge¶
- pick \(e\)
- pick \(s\)
- compute \(r = g^sy^{-e}\)
Non-interactive proofs¶
Make prover compute everything!
Idea: challenge = hash of the commitment, cannot cheat by postpone the "commitment"
Called the Fiat-Shamir transform!
Proof of discrete logarithm¶
Peggy wants to prove to Victor that \(\text{DLOG}_g(y_1) = \text{DLOG}_h(y_2)\)
Commitment: Random \(k \in_R \mathbb Z_q; {\color{blue}r_1,r_2} \gets g^k, h^k\)
Challenge: \({\color{red}e} \in_R \mathbb Z_q\);
Response: \({\color{blue}s} \gets k - x{\color{red}e} \bmod q\)
Verification: Check \(g^{\color{blue}s}y_1^{-{\color{red}e}} = {\color{blue}r_1}\) and \(h^{\color{blue}s}y_2^{-{\color{red}e}} = {\color{blue}r_2}\)
Proof of arbitrary linear relations in discrete logarithm¶
Proof of pre-image of a group homomorphism¶
\(G_1\) and \(G_2\) be finite abelian groups, and let \(\psi: G_1 \to G_2\) be a group homomorphism.
Scenario: Peggy has \(x \in G_1\) and wants to prove to Victor that it knows \(x\) such that \(\psi(x) = y\)
Commitment: Random \(k \in_R \mathcal G_1\); \({\color{blue}r} \gets \psi(k)\)
Challenge: \({\color{red}e} \in_R \mathbb Z_q\);
Response: \({\color{blue}s} \gets k + x{\color{red}e} \in \mathcal G_1\)
Verification: Check \({\color{blue}e}y^{{\color{red}e}} = {\color{blue}\psi(s)}\)