Sorting Algorithm¶
Sorting is probably the most basic question in algorithm analysis
Lower Bounds for comparing-based sorting¶
Input array \(a_1, a_2, \cdots, a_n\)
We assume that all elements are different.
We use Decision Tree to model our comparison sort.
We view the algorithm as constructing a decision tree; and the running time is the length of path on that tree.
Theorem: Any comparison sorts algorithm needs \(\Omega(n \lg n)\) times of comparison.
- There are \(n!\) leaves in the tree
- A binary tree of height \(h\) has at most \(2^h\) leaves
So the decision tree with \(n!\) should have height larger than \(\lg(n!)\), which is \(\Theta(n \lg n)\).
Binary Heap¶
A nearly complete binary tree.
Use array to implement tree structure:
- parent(i):
- return \(\lfloor i/2 \rfloor\)
- left(i):
- return \(2i\)
- right(i):
- reutrn \(2i+1\)
- height():
- return \(\lfloor \lg n\rfloor\)
Every node \(i\) has a value: \(A[i]\).
Min/Max heap properties:
- The root node in a subtree has the min/max property in this subtree
Or more explicit way: \(A[parent(i)] \leq / \geq A[i]\)
Operations on a Max Heap¶
- max-heapify(A, i): \(O(\lg n)\)
- build-max-help(A): \(O(n)\)
- heapsort(A): \(O(n \lg n)\)
By the way: Priority queue¶
A priority queue is a data structure for a set \(S\):
- each element has a "key"
- insert(S, x)
- maximum(S)
- extract-max(S)
- increase-key(S, x, k)
Implementation of max priority queue by using max-heap:
- Divide: use a pivot \(A[r]=x\) to partition, lower part \(\leq x \leq\) higher part
- Conquer: recursively sort the two subarrays
- Combine: Trivial
Worst Case: \(O(n^2)\)
Average Case: \(O(n \log n)\)
An Important Clue: Worst case is rare
Use randomization.
partition & randomize partition¶
Quick Sort & random quicksort¶
Expectation Time¶
Method 1:
Use the recurrence of running time and then split it.
(Too complex.)
\(E[X_k] = \frac{1}{n}\)
Method 2:
Count the number of comparisons performed during the partition, named \(X\).
Let \(X_{ij} = I\{z_i \text{ is compared with } z_j\}\), then \(X = \sum_{i < j}X_{ij}\) .
Calculate the expectation:
Linear Time Sort¶
Counting Sort¶
(Actually Runs in \(\Theta(n+k)\))
Radix Sort¶
Digit-by-Digit sort.
"Digit" can be very large!
Idea: Sort on least-significant digit first with auxiliary stable sort(usually counting sort).
We choose \(2^r\) as "digit". Suppose the number has \(b\) bits, then \(r\) should be equal to \(\lfloor \lg n \rfloor\) to get \(\Theta(bn/\lg n)\) sorting algorithm.
Since there are \(b/r\) passes, we have: \(\(T(n,b) = \Theta(\frac{b}{r}(n+2^r))\)\) to minify.
We can pick \(r = b\) to get a \(\Theta(n)\) algorithm, and pick \(r = \lg n\) to get a \(\Theta(bn/\lg n)\) algorithm.
However, they use different size of memory.
Bucket Sort¶
Expectation \(\Theta(n)\) time. (On random data)
Selection Question¶
Input: A set \(A\) of \(n\) distinct numbers and an integer \(i\), with \(1 \leq i \leq n\)
Output: The element \(x \in A\) that is larger than exactly \(i − 1\) other elements of \(A\). (\(i\)-th smallest element)
Expected Linear Algorithm¶
Worst-case Linear Algorithm¶
(Choose pivot) 1. Divide \(n\) elements into 5-elements' group. Total \(\lceil \frac{n}{5}\rceil\) groups. 2. Find the median of each group. (Use insertation sort) 3. Find the median over the \(\lfloor \frac{n}{5}\rfloor\) 4. Use this median to partition
It's easy to tell that this metthod won't give a too unbalanced partition.