
Dynamic Programming


DP V.S. D.C.


  1. partition the problem into subproblems
  2. combining the solutions from subproblems


  1. overlapping subproblems vs. no overlapping subproblems
  2. Synamic programming is typically applied to optimization problems
    • We want the optimal value, not every optimal solution


  1. Characterize the structure of an optimal solution
    • use a function \(f\) to characterize that "state"
  2. Recursively define the value of an optimal solution
    • Find subproblems
  3. Compute the value of an optimal solution in a bottom-up fashion
    • Give the "state" transformation formula
  4. Construct an optimal solution from computed information
    • Sometimes it can be ignored
    • if we want the solution, we should maintain more information in step 3

Principles - how to prove the optimial substructure proeperty

Build substructure, you may need to do some choice, which generates a series of subproblems.

Cut-paste method:

  • Suppose the solution of subproblem is not optimal, then we can replace it with " real optimal solution", then we can get a better solution. Contradicted.

The subproblems should be independent, that is to say, the solution to one subproblem does not affect the solution to another subproblem of the same problem.

Estimate running time:

  1. The number of subproblems overall
  2. The number of choices(The time we spent) for each subproblem


  1. Recursive, top-down, but with a memoization
  2. Bottom-up, with a array


Rot Cutting

Given a rod of length \(n\). Assume that price of an \(i\)-inches rod is \(p_i\).

We want to cut the rod into several pieces to get the most price.

\[\begin{aligned}r_0 &= 0\\r_n &= \max_{1 \leq i \leq n}(p_i + r_{n-i})\end{aligned}\]

Matrix Chain

We want to calculate \(A_1A_2 \cdots A_n\). Since matrix multiplication has associativity, we can parenthesized it.


\((A_1(A_2(A_3A_4)))\),\((A_1((A_2A_3)A_4))\),\(((A_1A_2)(A_3A_4))\), \(((A_1(A_2A_3))A_4)\),\((((A_1A_2)A_3)A_4)\).

Suppose that \(A_i\) has size \(p_{i-1} \times p_i\).

  • Step1: characterize the structure of optimal solution

\(m[i,j]\) is the minimum price to multiply \(A_i \cdots A_j\), the "optimal substructure" property is very trivial.

  • Step2: Get the recursive solution
\[ m[i,j] = \left\{\begin{aligned}&0 &,i = j\\&\min_{i \leq k < j} (m[i,k] + m[k+1,j] + p_{i-1}p_kp_j)&, i < j\end{aligned}\right. \]

Longest common subsequence

Optimal Binary Search Trees

Optimal Substructure:
