Lecture 9: Reasoning (I)¶
We have several random variables.
We can observe some of them(Temperature \(P\), Date(\(D\))).
We want to know the probability of others (Sunshine \(S\), Rain \(R\)).
Modeling: assume that a joint distribution exists between variables:
- condition on some evidence (\(T = 36.5 ^\circ \text C, D = 2021/07/31\))
- interested in some other things (\(p(R \mid T = 36.5 ^\circ \text C, D = 2021/07/31)\))
Formally: Probabilistic Reasoning¶
We want to use random variable model to learn, to achieve the predict job.
- \(X = \{x_1, \cdots, x_D\}\) is a set of \(D\) random variables.
- query set \(R\) and condition set \(C\) are subsets of \(X\)
Modeling: How to specify a joint distribution \(p(x_1, \cdots, x_D)\) compactly(紧凑地)1?
Inference: How to compute \(p(R \mid C)\) effciently?
Probabilistic Graphical Model¶
We try to use graphs to describe the correlation and dependence relationships between random variables.
- Vertex: Random variable
- Edge: Their relationship
Bayesian Network: DAG version¶
Bayesian Network:
- a DAG graph
- \(p(x_1, \cdots, x_K) = \prod_{s=1}^{K} p(x_s \mid \bm x_{\Gamma(s)})\), \(\Gamma(s)\) is the set of parents of \(x_s\)
- as this graph is a DAG, there must be a order(topology order) that we can calculate from basic to the hole joint probability.
Example: The Alarm Network
We can use our prior knowledge to reduce edges(finding independent variables).
Example: in Medical
Use observable variables to infer hidden ones.
Pro: Every conditional distribution of a random variable is reasonable.
A white box!
Example: Polynomial Regression
Markov Random Field¶
undirected graph \(G\)
- \(C\) is all (maximal) cliques in \(G\)
- \(\bm x = \{x_1, \cdots, x_n\}\)
- \(\psi\) is a non-negative potential function defined on those cliques
- usually \(\psi_C(\bm x_C) = \exp\{-E(\bm x_c)\}\), \(E\) is energy function.
- low energy => high potential => high probability
- \(Z\) is a normalized factor
Illustration: Image Denoising
Transformation method
Bayesian network can be transformed into Markov Random Field by
- Linking the parents of each node;
- remove directions.
Independence in Bayesian Network¶
Marginal Independence¶
Conditional Independence¶
connected if:
- no head-to-head edge
- head-to-head edge belongs to C or C's ancestor
D-separation \(\iff\) conditional independence
Markov Blanket¶
How to infer a node with variable \(x_i\) from the remaining variables?
Find \(S_1 \subset \bm x_\{j \neq i\}\) that
which means \(S_1\) contains all information that is needed to infer \(x_i\).
\(S_1\) is the Markov blanket of \(x_i\).
Markov Boundary: Minimal Markov blanket.
In Bayesian network, it includes parents, children and other parents of all its children (co-parents).
Independence in Markov Random Field¶
\(x,y\) are dependent if they are connected by a path of unobserved variables
Global Markov Property
If any path from \(\bm A\) to \(\bm B\) passes through \(\bm C\), which denotes as \(\text{sep}_G(\bm A, \bm B \mid \bm C)\), then \(( \bm X_A \perp \bm X_B ) \mid \bm X_C\)
Local Markov Property
For any node \(x\), \(N(x)\) denotes neighbours of \(x\), \(N[x] = x \cup N(x)\), then \(X_x \perp \bm X_{V \setminus N[x]} \mid \bm X_{N(x)}\)
Pairwise Markov Property
If \(u\) and \(v\) are not linked, then \(X_u \perp X_v \mid \bm X_{V\setminus\{u,v\}}\) .
Marginal Inference
我的理解是,计算的过程能尽可能的快和简单。 ↩